
Right. And over the course of those years Schiavo’s deranged parents brought charge after charge of abuse againt him, because he wife’s condition was, naturally, deteriorating while she was in the hospital: She got bed sores. She lost teeth. Etc. etc. They could have ended her body’s suffering but instead they blamed

He’s basically the opposite Rusty Yates: A sadistic, abusive man who is solely responsible for the death of his children but is celebrated in the right wing community.

No. That was rightwing propaganda. What actually happened was that Michael Schiavo won a lawsuit against Terri Schiavo’s doctor, because she was in treatment for bulimia, or should have been, and then immediately placed that money in a trust for Terri. He could have touched it but he didn’t. And he offered her parents

She is never going to be competent enough. Did you read the linked article? She can’t spontaneously recognize danger. She walked away from the baby while it was on a changing table. She couldn’t recognize when it needed to be burped. During a visitation, she didn’t try to stop her daughter from running towards a

They might be in it for public assistance money? I know that’s grim. But I know of a case where I live where that happened.