
Really? You're kidding, right? You have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about. Tell us about how Siri can schedule an appointment and tell you about what meetings may conflict. Tell us how Siri can answer inane questions like "What are you wearing." Please don't try to tell us that Android can't do MAP

Did I point it out? I merely asked the question of whether or not reconciliation erases all. Judging by the fact that he was working the day before he died really kind of shows where his priorities were right up to the end. In fact, i think it actually shines a more favorable light on his kids that they were able to

Does that really make it ok?

lol, I dare someone to guess my voice passcode! Now, everyone cover their ears while I unlock my phone.

Yeah, you still fail.

Stupid fanboy comments fly both ways, my friend.

o rly?

Got mine for $270 and it was pristine. Sometimes trolling Craigslist pays off! Now about this worthless iPhone 4 with a bad ESN that I have... DOH! You win some, you get scammed some...

In the world of smartphone technology and software, very very few of the original inventors get credit. If Google makes it main stream, then they will get the credit. Much like Apple gets credit for many things it did not actually innovate.

Bought my Thunderbolt used and off contract for just this very reason... muhahahaha...

What about the other 10%? Are they ninjas?

Yeah, I was trying to reply to RoboticSpacePenguin. Hence, the reply fail.

I would think that with market shares being what they are... the phrase, "nowhere to go but up" is appropriate.

@bdkennedy1 - Let's not be ignorant. Steve ushered in the age of smart/touchscreen phones. Let's not extend that to personal computers as well.

I think that's called "Biddle's intended effect" *shrug*

Sheeple. :)

42% isn't a majority, but still surprisingly high. Sometimes you just gotta wonder.

How in the world did you get a star?!?!

...Because police officers never break the law. Ever. Surprising!

No, not really...