
Question about HOX and/or SG3. With Sense and Touchwiz, if you were to put a launcher like Nova on there, would it then look and feel like stock ICS? I have the GNex and Nova pretty much looks exactly the same with a few extra bells and whistles.

Are you making up a connection between typing on a touchscreen with a Retina MacBook Pro? Ziggy couldn't even make that Quantum Leap...

Windows 8 is a full blown PC OS. That would be like syncing your desktop to... your desktop.

This is probably the most ignorant troll I have ever read. Great job to bloknayrb for promoting it.

And if all of that were the case for all of America, there wouldn't be any unions (because they would never allow it). Case in point, the 15 minute break for every 45 minutes worked is MANDATORY. If you don't take your break, your fellow hardworking union members will break your leg.

They never said that they couldn't. Just that it would take 9 MONTHS vs. the 15 days it took in China.

>>Gimme 2 biscuits, and a thermos of tea.

Really? Pissed? Do you work at Apple? If you say yes, will you be fired?

I just built one on Apple and NewEgg. With the same specs.

Really? I'll have to look those up. In my experience, it's been the opposite, but probably due to the fact that if a computer comes with crapware, I nuke and pave it with a clean install of Windows.

It sounds like you are mainly talking about Apple's computer line up with this post. Care to explain to me what ecosystem advantage OSX devices have? I had a 13" MBP and the ecosystem really drove me away, so rather than a positive, it became a negative.

My wife's ASUS zenbook would beg to differ on ALL points. I love that laptop... it's a good thing I love my Samsung Series-9 even more (although it WAS pretty pricey).

I was going to leave Apple's 30% app/media cut here for your consideration, but Apple came by and took it...

From the looks of the video, he didn't have to open any message at all. The phone just shut down upon receipt of the SMS.

So the use of private jets should be restricted to those in government/military (more or less). So that they could quickly travel where there was an imbalance of wealth and discontent? What might they do there? Forcefully redistribute the wealth?

I'm going to go WAY out on a limb and suggest the following...

Oops. Forgot the /sarcasm tag.

SIRIously! I don't know how android fans live with themselves.

That's exactly what I was thinking. This reeks of anti-competitive behavior.

First, nothing on your link says anything about an exclusivity deal with Sprint. Second, Google came right out and said that Verizon requested that they keep Google Wallet off the Galaxy Nexus so I guess that means...