Regarding Derrick Henry

Buzzed Baseball Buffoon Beckett, Behaves Badly - Brusquely Banzais, Blindsides, Boot-Scoot Band Bro. Blames Beer, By Golly.

Huh, who knew that Sepp Blatter cared about anything other than money?

Although to be fair, he might have thought that was where she kept her wallet.

Han Solo is gonna fuck him up when he hears what Sepp did to his daughter.

To be fair, Marseille did say that they wanted to see Evra connect with fans.

I’d be down with some Kinghts of the Old Republic prequels

Yes we do.

Old Man here 100% disagreeing with you. I am pumped for some new stories in Star Wars that aren’t prequels and aren’t part of the Skywalker Saga.

I hate to be a nitpicker, but it’s “re-resuspendeded.”

I’m a neutral fan and this game has me shook. I don’t care if the baseballs are juiced, that was awesome.

“What is that asshole doing there?”

Maybe he was just afraid it was going to explode?

Choke the Raven nevermore.

The company does not have to prove anything to you. They convinced enough people to fund them. They will release a product on their own schedule.

Not to mentioned large variance in speed is really annoying to everyone around you.

“Sad story but I’m going to be an asshole anyway.”

I love watching omnivores taking advantage of a free buffet.

During a late afternoon press conference, Hayes said the decision was painful