A couple of thoughts:
A couple of thoughts:
AV Club: Kinja was pretty disappointing.
Spoiler: It turns out technology can be both good and bad!
I’m just going to go out and say it: this Twilight Zone has been incredibly disappointing. There was so much potential and nuance to explore in many of these conceits, but for whatever reason they’ve decided on an almost cringe-worthy amount of heavy-handedness. Not only that, but the messaging in this episode is a…
One word: Obama. I think people want him to be president so everything can return back to normal.
Stay home, nerd.
“Ha-hah, points!” ~ Chris Hardwick
fuck Andrew Yang
FWIW, Jay Inslee (who isn’t anywhere near the top of the list of candidates I support), is running with a laser like focus on climate change. That’s an issue that seems to be taking a backseat for many candidates, which is understandable because it consistently takes a backseat for most voters. But I think it could…
She seems beyond exhausting.
They should cover Bernie getting booed yesterday:
This is a smart approach. Gathering your ammunition before you fire.
Eventually “The Last Man” will refer to the sole creative in the entertainment industry who has not been hired as showrunner for this.
Amazing that Splinter has an issue with this white dude but not the Seventy year old underachieving, legislative failure of a senator from that bastion of diversity Vermont. For real just say he’s not the white man you prefer because you and the rest of the DNC sure don’t give a shit what voters of color have to say.…
OOOOOOOOH, I’m gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the humans I see!
Milk The Walking Dead.
Another progressive has failed at perfectly progressiving? The scales, they have fallen from my eyes! Man, what’s going to happen when the campaign truly kicks off and the press starts to seriously trawl through Bernie’s past? If the slightest misstep disqualifies you, he’s as toasted as anyone else.