
The parallels to season 3a have been VERY obvious. Derek's absence during the plan was also very 3a, too.This was actually the first episode I liked Liam in since his introduction in 'The Mute'.

It's a tall order, asking any episode to be as good as Motel California and Night School. Plotting has never been Teen Wolf's strong suite, so welcome to herbal tea/shrooms deus ex machina. That said, Scott used Alpha Powers! Our little teen wolf is growing up. I can also understand why they didn't want to tell an

The problem with The Scrappy is that the writers think they're very interesting and important and really try to force them on you. This happened with Kira a tiny bit last season, but they've mostly succeeded with her. But Liam is The Scrappy in a bad way. He's just so unnecessary on every level, and we've spent SO

I always think the TW premiers are pretty weak. This isn't a show that likes to start with a bang, so I'm not very worried. Actually thought 3b was the strongest 'premier' they had, but even that was a tad detached and underwhelming.

This episode had to follow one of the best episodes of the season and one of the fan favorite book moments. There was just no way it was going to turn out much better than it did. The Night's Watch has had the roughest story line transition from book to TV. And yeah, no Stannis really hurt this episode. If they

I think people are reading deepness and subtlety into this show when it's not really there. They just want it to be.

With two episodes left, this might be premature, but this was the best episode of the season. Hands down. It might actually be the best episode of the combined 3a & 3b seasons.

The Stiles asylum and Wolf pack heist plot didn't mesh very well, which was the big weakness of the episode for me. The Stiles half was very strong, but I don't care if you're getting the MacGuffin scroll, Scott.

I thought it was strong up until the last episode. When people started to call Frank on his bullshit, and he got shut out of the president's confidence, I was so excited that this show might be sending a message that all the manipulating and under the table dealing might actually get the people around you to label you

Danny won at quarters! I mean … ugh, economics.