
Very interesting dynamic here with Finn growing up and Jake staying… Jake. There's the switch in the "mature" party - used to be Jake gently guiding Finn, now it's Finn telling Jake that this is a bad idea. And there's also the realization that Jake will be alone soon. His laid back immaturity has been masked because

Hamboning will save your life one day!

If the Christmas Tree at the end wasn't Spacey McSpaceTree, at least it looked like his offspring.

I noticed that too. It's actually a great visual metaphor of Mordecai maturing - the paintings are abstracted images of his two past loves, in the same way that his maturation required him to extract wisdom from his prior experiences with them.

She didn't try to ride for the public exhibition that her parents could see. I'm not saying her failure to control the horse was all her fault - she was using the wrong methods (methods appropriate to imaginary horses not real ones) and her jerk instructor didn't help her - but it was a weird arc for her to ignore the

This is a fair point. Tina comes off as ungrateful, but it is hard to sympathize with Bob & Co. at this point in the series run. Then again, Sofa Queen was another episode I didn't like, precisely for inexplicably ratcheting up the crazy to uncomfortable levels (from essentially every character, regardless of prior

When your family sacrificed its livelihood - fairly literally - to send you to a riding camp, the denouement of which is a riding exhibition, then it's a crummy thing to blow that off, refuse to try, and act weird(er than usual) in public. It shows a lack of appreciation not even to try.

I'm not saying this episode was perfect. Todd's arc is starting to bore me, which is terrible because in proper doses Todd's great. Kristin Schall was under-used (killed it with Denzel though), and her one on one interactions with Tandy are one of the most consistent parts of the show.

I think attempts to assess the morality of PB's actions are missing one of the key points: what PB did is an act of war. Whether you want to take a left-wing approach (and say this is all about big bad America) or a neoconservative approach (and say this is justifiable pre-emptive action), what remains true is that

This is a fairly minor point, but with regard to the title, there is a second meaning to that too. "Everything's Jake" is literally true, but "Jake" is also an old-timey expression meaning "OK" or "fine." So the title has both the literal meaning, that everything is Jake the Dog, but also the figurative meaning