Fist of the Pon Farr

This is such bullshit. I pointed this out to someone who is a “supporter”. Their response would have been funny had it not been chilling. She said “Well, in my day a woman knew her place. You don’t speak out against those who are wealthier because they are more powerful. This little girl (ACK!!!!) should be covering

The Secret Service...had to protect a reporter...FROM A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HIS CROWD. I just....

If Trump becomes president, do you think the Secret Service’s job will be to protect the rest of us from him?

You’d think by now that people would realize, the way you and I obviously do, it’s illegal immigration only when the brown people from that country down there down south do it. Why is this so difficult to understand?

Guys. Guys! Guyssssss. It’s not like she was (whispers) a caramel latte if you know what I mean....she um.....I mean everyone should follow the law, but it’s not like she (whispers) was a chocolate chip brownie if you know what I mean. People make mistakes! All that paperwork! But it not like she was (in a loud

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

Yes there are. The idea that a city has to build every facility from the ground up is totally assanine. The idea that the games has to be consolidated into one place is assanine. There are facilities ready to go across the US that can host the games adequately with no need for new construction. Same with many other

What are they complaining about? The toilet’s output goes right into the sailing and swimming venues.

If we're lucky these Olympics will kill the IOC. Not that it won't be replaced with something equally corrupt, but still... there are dozens of locations that can host the Olympics right now, and they are ignored because either a country wants the prestige of the games to overshadow their lousy human rights records or

Waiting eagerly for the mayor to challenge the Aussie delegation to a rousing round of Knifey-Spooney.

My sister loves this dessicated bag of barbecue chip flavoring. LOVES HIM. She thinks he’s gonna save the world from the secret Muslim that also might be the anti-Christ. I’ve tried to point out that Obama hasn’t named himself Lord and Unquestionable Master of anything, and that according the precious Bible, the

Ducks for Hunters

This is decidedly far less hardcore than “Mariah Carey’s Clash Cover” led me to believe.

I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.

What a horrible person. I hope that the woman whose picture was taken is doing okay. :( Such a foul fucking human, man.

Another high school mean girl, soon will be whining that people are being mean to her.

I read that quote and while I get what he was saying, I just couldn’t help but notice that the woman the guy chased down the street, dragged into his car at gunpoint, and then when she jumped out, ran her down like a dog and put a bullet in her head doesn’t even get a mention?

““It’s really hard to understand how this could happen, how somebody could do that to children,” local police lieutenant Dan McGrath told the press.”