Yep. That quote from the judge -
Yep. That quote from the judge -
You can police every aspect of your speech, you can wear the right things, you can get all the degrees and expertise, you can write the most fucking eloquent and heartbreaking courtroom statement and still there are men who will not hear you because they just don’t listen to women.
Bravo to KWTX!
According to the New York Daily News article: “The social network initially declined to take the photo down because it believed the graphic image was posted as a call for help from the victim, not the killer.
Facebook also offered Jennifer’s friends and family the option to “block” her if they didn’t like what she’d “posted”. The pictures were only taken down after Facebook ascertained that the account had been “hacked.” According to the New York Daily News article: “The social network initially declined to take the photo…
It’s not just Facebook, but American culture in general. Hyper-violence in movies and TV with little to no consequence? No problem.
I'm glad they checked the facts behind this photo! Otherwise they may have taken down a perfectly legitimate image of a bleeding, murdered nude woman.
Fucking bullshit facebook. Get your shit together.
“This is part of the tragedy,” Abdel-Samee said. “May god give her the strength to overcome the passing of her daughter but this is another issue.
Today I read an article about a Korean woman who was stabbed to death by a man who hates women. He admitted he felt ‘ignored’ by women. The comments to that article? You’d think those men were being paid to deny misogyny exists. Everything from ‘mental illness’ to ‘women these days’ were trotted out for reasons at to…
This is a global problem and one that people continue to ignore. They blame sex positive attitudes, lack of morals and “risky” behavior anything besides MISOGYNY. That the rapists feel brazen enough to post on social media tells you everything about how much of non criminal act they believe rape to be.
A nearly had a rage stroke when some POS radio station down here in “marry your first cousin land” posted the story a week or so ago with the caption “How Would You Discipline YOUR Daughter.” No shit.
I’m sure they’re already angrily typing away at how if it was their child, they would NEVER EVER take their eyes off him for even one second, so my point is moot. But also, fuck those guys even more.
I want to know what any one of these fucking lunatics would have done if it was their child in the gorilla enclosure. I truly am devastated that the he had to be killed. It’s awful. But between that and a child being ripped to shreds while dozens of people looked on, I’m going with shoot the gorilla.
About the police report saying no signs of abuse at the time - that means nothing to me. Bruises don’t show up in an instant, it can take time. And it’s not like a domestic violence victim has ever told the police everything was all right when it wasn’t, right? I’m sure that’s never happened before.
2. Then wasn’t there the police report that said there were no signs of abuse that evening
It’s telling how the woman in her mid-20ies is a homewrecker, while the poor, naive man twice her age and life experience was just an easy mark to exploit and blackmail.
I love that the reaction to hearing her scream “Stop hitting me” was “Oh that bitch is orchestrating a setup”
Security guards on the Depp payroll, I'm assuming. Okay.