Fist of the Pon Farr

Among other things it erodes the definition of “protected class.” Members of protected classes typically share some immutable characteristic: race, gender, or sexual orientation; not something so temporary and subject to change as one’s profession. Consider the logical conclusions.

And it is a giant middle finger to the Black Lives Matter movement.

They can’t say anything without being called racist or sexist or homophobic and it’s definitely not because what they’re saying is racist or sexist or homophobic.

Victimized straight white conservative men, who have it harder in life than anyone else these days.

Awful people have great marketing.

This is ridiculous. There are already harsher sentences for crimes against police officers, as the article points out.

“They didn’t give their student-atheletes extra pasta? Nothing to see here.” NCAA investigators

Members of the broader Baylor community are shocked—shocked!—and say this was the most hostile environment since folks had to run from dinosaurs.


Here’s hoping the next school board election brings more women to the board, or men who are less liable to let their emotions make their decisions for them.

I felt bad for him when Trump said “STOP EATING OREOS CHRIS” now I wish he’d said: “STOP BEING A SHITBAG CHRIS”.

I LOVED Beauty and the Beast as a kid, and I LOVE Emma Watson, but I just don’t know how they will manage to make a live action version of this not scream domestic violence. The cartoon version has big DV problems, and it’s a cartoon. Seems like watching actual Emma Watson go through all of the scary parts of the

The thing that kills me about these (all too frequent) occurrences is that I am sure before this incident he considered himself “a responsible gun owner.” I know way to many people like him, who don’t separate their weapons from their bullets, don’t keep either in a safe, don’t keep the door to the room with the

You fucking, stupid, careless asshole. Usually? Usually?

“Fucking Americans”, is what we say about it here in Aus. Not that our government is exactly a shining beacon of light. But we had Port Arthur, and then we shut that shit right down. Only good thing Howard ever did.

I triple-dog dare them to show me the Scripture that addresses trans people. I’ll wait.

Honestly, I’d much prefer if ALL schools affiliated with religion had their federal funding pulled. It leave more funds for kids in public school.

And of course the pastor looks EXACTLY as I expected him to look. Chubby cheeked white bread corn fed motherfucker who’ll inevitably be arrested for possession of inconceivably nasty child porn.

At least the vice principal of the school seems a little more reasonable...

But guys. Just think of all the really terrible things that would happen if we had socialized medicine...