Seriously. Good for her.
Seriously. Good for her.
It’s really hard to get the message the writer is sending when you don’t read more than the headline of the article.
Don’t forget Galavant.....(cries into pillow)
I wish that when long running show get cancelled unexpectedly studios would let the show do one more episode to resolve things. For the fans.
I mean, I fully support this, but good god is it fodder for the “reeducation” conspiracy theorists out there.
There’s absolutely no way the attorneys and staff members in that courthouse didn’t know about this. No fucking way. They went along with it because in these small towns, guys like this are too connected to fuck with. Rural county judges can be as bad as the Catholic Church when it comes to closing ranks around bad…
He wouldn’t be dead, he’d have never existed. There’s a big fucking difference.
Depending on one’s perspective, it’s also possible to view it as “Wouldn’t have been born.” Not everyone believes life begins at conception. For instance, I’ve miscarried twice (10 and 11 weeks). I do not consider either scenario as a dead child. Some women might.
I was actually shocked that he not only admitted to doing something wrong, but specifically said what he did to her. Doesn’t change the fact that it happened and doesn’t change my opinion of him, but at least he’s self aware.
As a Floridian, that was a lot of fuss over a lizard.
“Who said you can’t achieve sainthood while looking the other way when kids are being molested?”
“When I was a teenager I was super awkward. I don’t think I really felt comfortable in my body or with how I looked and people were nasty,” she said.
Jesse Ventura tried it in the early 80s. Hulk Hogan narced on him before he could get everyone lined up. Now there is simply no competition left in the US that someone can go to and get paid as well as they can at WWE - not counting TNA at this point, considering that Eric Young and Bobby Roode left there over being…
Goooooood, goooooood....
I believe that Vince McMahon is who you want to address this question to.
Dr. Phil is the woooooorst and he’s only moderately redeeming himself in my eyes by giving Amber Rose a new platform for her voice.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: we have more reason, statistically speaking, to fear conservative men in bathrooms than trans men and women. Between Larry Craig, Dennis Hastert in the locker room, among others, republican men get up to much seedier shit in a restroom than trans people.