Proper training and regulation! Yay! Integration into the regular medical community! Woot!
Proper training and regulation! Yay! Integration into the regular medical community! Woot!
The GOP exists because their base either believes in the Just World fallacy or has a Dunning Krueger cognitive bias.
I’m trying so hard to think of what her “initiatives” would be as a first lady and can’t even come up with anything stupid but plausible enough.
Man... Republicans really don’t get that when all you do is slam, and judge, and demonize entire groups of people said groups are gonna have a hard time believing you care about them. In 2012 all I remember hearing from republicans was that they were gonna do outreach and become new modern candidates. That plan didn’t…
The idea of bodily autonomy for women is therefore such a “new concept” that even several waves of laws passed over the last century still have major gaps like this, since clueless lawmakers were still focused on the stranger assaulting someone in the dark kind of rape or the idea of vaginal or anal rape as the only…
Ok, I’m gonna sound like a typical smarmy over educated liberal here but....shit like this is why people think of the Republican Party as “the stupid people party”. It’s also why that saying “if you want to see what life was like 25 years ago go to the south” is becoming so prevalent and incredibly true. I know that…
Are you fucking—...
(‘Cause someone’s got to say it...)
Best job: Anything stable that can offer some semblance of a work-life balance.
Whoa, who said anything about astronauts? I wanted to be a SPACEMAN, with laser guns and aliens and shit.
When I was 8, I wanted to be a spaceman. Do you have any how many math classes that requires? Kids are stupid.
Why the hell is she smiling/jokingly laughing while she asks that question? When is someone going to grow some balls and put this motherfucker on a stove?
AHHHH MY VAGINA, hahahha...been there. My wife somehow used the term “front butt” as a toddler. Explains a lot :)
For fuck’s sake. As Rando said, she wasn’t talking about anything to do with reproduction. It’s exactly the same as saying the name of ANY OTHER BODY PART BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT IS CALLED. Good for her for refusing to use some stupid euphamism.
No, it was actually 60 letters;
“I’m just a feeeeeeeble old man” - this “card” should be burned.
The wheelchair. The weaselly wording. The calling in favors from former colleagues.
naturopath, who are not exactly real doctors
I think you mean, are nothing like real doctors.
water with maple syrup, juice with frozen berries and finally a mixture of apple cider vinegar, horse radish root, hot peppers, mashed onion, garlic and ginger root