Fist of the Pon Farr

Good lord. To complain about a 12 year old boy is pretty ridiculous too. Unless he’s peeking through the crack and whacking off...

I take the boy I nanny into the women’s restroom or have him go in the single stall family restroom as I wait outside. It is a concern for many mothers (or caretakers) but the bigots won’t talk about it.

My father and I got into a huge fight about this yesterday. I watched my niece and nephew while their parents went out and he dropped by (he’s an asshole and we can’t stand each other) and I told him I worked my shift at target yesterday morning, he was honestly surprised that people weren’t protesting outside (at a

I worked at a Target at the beginning of the Iraq War in a fairly rural/conservative area and the amount of old ladies running in to the store with printed out emails blasting Target for being anti-American was unreal. The allegation? That Target was a French owned company. You know, because you can say it as

Now playing

This is the article that I have been waiting for Jezebel to write. Thank you. Out of respect to Chyna, who was and should always be remembered as a beautiful woman, I would like to add even more to what has been told herein.

You’ll find a lot of people saying that Chyna was one of the sweetest members of the WWE that

Won’t someone think of the beautiful blonde children?

It’s true. Straight, cisgenred men never ever commit sexual violence against women. It’s those scary gender mixed up people! This is a huge elaborate plot to get access to girls!! You know how many girls are attacked in bathrooms by trans people every day! . . . oh wait, what? none of that is true???

Mick Foley has agreed to donate his brain to be autopsied after he dies. That’s going to be an eye opening job, particularly in light of the amount of respect he gets for constantly upping the hard-core game.

I was an awkward gay kid during the height of the Attitude Era. I had such a crush on Chyna, and also loved her for showing me that you could be different and that is what could make you revered and celebrated as opposed to shunned.

I didn’t go in for the whole wrestling craze as a kid, though majority of my male friends did (and still do now, it’s actually really endearing the nostalgic love they have for it still) but I remember, clear as day, watching Chyna whenever she was on TV. I thought she was like Xena and Wonder Woman put together and

The Bella Sisters are famous. The Fabulous Moolah is a legend.

They’ve changed her wikipedia now, but for a while, it said “Chyna (born Joan Marie Laurer; December 27, 1970 – April 17-20, 2016)“ (emphasis mine) because they didn’t know exactly when she died. She died alone and had been dead for a while when she was found. Heartbreaking. Yes, she deserved better

I’d disagree about the Fabulous Moolah. She was pretty much the go to female wrestler of the 1980's.

Even as a teenager, I liked Chyna because she was different. She was strong and tough. Also, she was funny and pretty. I liked that about her.

The Attitude Era was the boom period, but the bust afterwards is not worth it. The sickening chair shots, the ODs, the sad lives of the wrestlers who just didn’t make it...no amount of good to great wrestling is worth that.

Not surprising. Normally Padres and Cardinals only agree nothing was seen when one of them actually touches someone.

I can’t speak to that, I wouldn’t know. But I will say that there’s no evidence that Jews were widely enslaved by the Egyptians. There’s a possibility that a small tribe of them were, but that’s about it. And the pyramids weren’t built by slaves; they were built by paid contractors.

Yeah, the “Jewish slaves in Egypt” story is a religious one, not a historical one.

And that’s assuming they were even there: