Fist of the Pon Farr

Let’s hope, anyway!

Your comment suggests that we have not come that far at all.

Unfortunately when she was a sophomore a teacher tried something similar. These guys don't get it - she knows herself and her power. We sued the school district and her college is paid for. It was a title 9 claim. I think I've posted about it before.

You should've seen me in the car on the way home. She got ice cream.

Good for you for standing up for yourself. But fuck that teacher. She should have done something.

My daughter faced something less horrible but still bad in 8th grade. A boy touched her breasts and vagina in class and was saying some really inappropriate things. It had been going on for months and that was her last straw. She punched him, breaking his glasses and knocking out a few teeth.

I saw Deadpool in a theater packed with children, and I thought to myself, “What kind of idiot brings a child to this?”

Co-signed 100%.

I'm pretty sure it's ok to complain about kids running around. That's not cool. It's not your house.

Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.

I like kids but I also want some adult space. Taking young kids to R rated movies just makes it awkward for other people.

I can’t wait for the parents of the “perfectly behaved” children to start reacting negatively to this most awesome ban.

Great for people who want to watch a movie in peace. Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.

I know a few of these parents are "FREEDOM MURRICA IF I WANNA TAKE MY 6 YEAR OLD TO AN R RATED MOVIE IT IS MY GOD AND FOUNDING FATHER GIVEN RIGHT TO" but the vast majority are idiots who don't understand how ratings work, right? Like the dumb parents who took their kids to see Deadpool " Cause little Billy LOVES them

only half??? only half?? whats wrong with rest of you people???


The older I get, the more convinced I am that there’s something fundamentally wrong with men who continue insisting that 18-year-old women are the most attractive women.

Sigh...kind of disappointed that it’s another white male. Would have loved to see a woman, and/or someone non-white.