Fist of the Pon Farr

130 degrees is more than just hot. Along with the racial profiling and illegal detentions, how are prisoners expected to reform in any way if they are treated as less than human? Hell, if you kept a dog in that kind of heat you’d be arrested for animal cruelty.

An actress friend of mine was fired after Kelsey Grammer didn’t think she seemed excited to meet him.

Yeah, bullshit. I’m not a big fan of pro wrestling, but I’ve seen a few shows, and quite a number of them live.

What entertainment is “important”? Professional wrestling is athletic melodrama. Some people like it. Some people don’t. Some people like impressionism, some people are post-modernists. Who gives a fuck what other people like?

Every time I see this shit, I think about the number of people in prison for non-violent drug offenses, often caused by the disease of addiction. This sick fuck gets off on abusing the mentally ill in horrific ways. And the leading presidential candidate of a major political party is proud to be endorsed by him.

Jane is an unparalleled liberal bad ass, whose continuous advocacy for human rights doesn’t come with fanfare or a press junket. She does this shit because she wants to.

When Brandon Lee got shot on the set of The Crow, he wasn’t a real zombie crimefighter. But in the course of scripted events, unplanned things can happen. The ref is more like a moderator of the scripted action, and it is precisely part of his job to identify real injuries and to signal to the other wrestler to stop

the fact that guy is regularly feted by Conservative press/presidential campaigns is really fucking telling.

Jericho ripping up a “Get Well Bret” sign at Roadblock might be the heel-est thing I’ve ever seen.

Yes, wrestling is “fake” in that outcomes are predetermined. Yes, real, unscripted injuries happen when dudes are doing live, dangerous stunts. I’m not sure why people have trouble with this in the year 2016.

The ref is essentially a stage manager. If someone gets hurt he’s supposed to play his part and end the match ASAP without breaking the fourth wall if at all possible. Not counting to 3 there was a major screwup. And yes, that was an actual injury (broken ankle and shin).

Glad to see Jericho put Neville’s health above anything else. He’s got enough value to the company that he can completely blow-up kayfabe to yell at the ref like that and not get in trouble.

Backstory: Jericho is currently working a program with WWE-newcomer (but industry and international veteran) AJ Styles, wherein the two had a competitive series (that Styles took, 2 matches vs Jericho’s 1 victory) that built into mutual respect and a tag team. They failed to capture the titles from reigning champs,

Damn, another bad injury before Mania. Between him, AJ Styles, and Owens, I’m slowly becoming more and more interested in the WWE product.

Republican party to Trump: “please remove your gaping maw from our dog whistle. You’re getting spittle on it."

This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.

I get that as a former First Lady she was trying to be respectful, but it’s like if Rick Snyder dies (god willing) people complimenting how he handled Flint. The Reagan administration, including Nancy Reagan, ignored people suffering and dying because they were gay.

Wow. You are seriously defending this? There are a MILLION things she could have said about Reagan that are true. ‘Strong first lady, amazing courage during her husband’s assassination attempt’ and she went for this. How do you think you are progressive and spout this kind of stuff?

Has HRC ever done anything wrong in

I don’t care how big of a HRC fan you are (and there are justifiable reasons I know, I know. Calm down Hillary stans. Yaass Queen and all that) this is a shameful lie.

Yeah, they took the Florida one and added diversity.