
yeah until someone needs that bit of info later and you know we mentioned it but can’t remember the details now we have to rehash the meeting again. Good job.

I dunno - I’m a 34HH (Uk sizes, and not using the +3 or +5 band method) and the enell or the panache wire-free are my go-tos... but for things like inverted yoga postures, this looks like it might be exactly what I’ve wanted to keep them from falling into my face - and a hell of a lot more convenient than holding them

Echoing what’s been said, not only does it vary brand to brand, but depending on the level of support (and brand) some sports bras don’t even come in cup sizes (I’m looking at you, Champion). I’m a 34DD[ish] but does that make me a M or L? It’s a crapshoot. And trust me, I’m a lover of bras that cover your whole boob.

Nope. Different brands calculate it differently. There is no One True Bra Size.