
Would anyone be interested in my similarly-themed DIY article, "Everything I Fucked Up While Trying To Act Like Anthony Bourdain For Most of My Twenties"?

He did. She gave a quote about how she and Olivia Wilde switched roles. She was then asked a question about having done three indie films this year and was asked if it was a function of release dates or if she was focusing on indie work. She could have used that to talk some more about those films, and she didn't. He

I think you are giving Mila Kunis way too much credit here. All jobs have shitty components. For actors, you have to sell the film at the press junket and that might mean putting up with a bad (or just boring) interviewer. Lainey's response to this interview is spot-on. http://www.laineygossip.com/Mila-Kuniss-at…

Junket press tours. This is par for the course.

My ex wife used to pull that all the time when we were married, it was very confusing. I'd see lovey dovey messages on her public timeline all day and then come home to a rabid wolverine-woman who was ready to rip off my appendages because I left my cereal bowl in the sink...

Best bachelor party I've been to was one where the groom's dad rented a beach house for a week and we all went fishing. Grilled fish or meat every night, listened to music on the deck, smoked cigars, did the tourist trap places, ect.

Does Gary Oldman really think that Jewish people are constantly complaining about Germans? Unless we're literally talking about Nazis, we Jews don't care if you're German. And I've never heard any of my Jewish friends say "kraut" unless we're discussing toppings on a Reuben sandwich. But that's cool, Gary. If it makes

Perfect timing! I JUST decided to move all of my photos to Google drive this month. I'm also using Google to manage and preserve all of my kids' memories - from artwork to milestones to photos and videos and I am really happy with the decision.

If you think this is the same as those four separate services, then it seems you've already made up your mind.

I agree! I don't think Google+ does enough to advertise these features, unfortunately. I know a few people who've been surprised that auto awesome, etc. exist.

Yikes! Yeah, it'd be nice if we got manual creation for the other effects too. I'm betting they're working on it, since it's high in demand.

Good article. Google+ gets a lot of flack, but I think many people don't realize it's more than just a social network (that has failed to compete with Facebook). The photo thing alone is amazing (as you point out), but when you add in other things as well (communites, hangouts, etc), it's a pretty good platform. Much

Word. The "so the assassin is named Becky" approach is what BioWare did in Dragon Age and Mass Effect — outside romances, I think there are literally five lines of dialogue that play differently depending on the gender of the player character — and it works JUST FINE. Game designers just don't want to deal.

I kept trying to play through as MaleShep, but never could because his voice work was so flat compared to Jennifer Hale's.

Only after the criticism they received. Sorry, but making a side project with a minority character doesn't absolve you from your fuck-ups in the future. You're not allowed to be racist if you have a black friend. Doesn't work then, doesn't work now.

And she was in a pretty mediocre game at best for such a likable, interesting character. A port from the PS handheld. I would have loved to have to have a full on dedicated game made for the PS 3/4 Xbone/360.

why don't YOU write a news blog? then you can write about all the privileged juvenile narrow-minded boring-ass white-dudebro stuff that you want.

I actually do make games - and no the excuses covered there are barely legitimate. It's true they would need to re-scale the bones of the skeletal rig to fit a different proportion of character mesh, but there's no actual reason why they'd need to literally redo all the animations - perhaps a more feminine walk/run

"Prior to the release of Assassin's Creed III in 2012, creative director Alex Hutchinson talked about how it would have been a "pain" to include a female protagonist in that game because "the history of the American Revolution is the history of men."

I'm not very good at my job, says Assassin's Creed director