
Thanks for the HOT TAEK. Now back to mom’s basement and that daily case of Mountain Dew with ye!

That was a great read.

My Dad grew up in eastern Kentucky, about 80 miles up Highway 27 from Frozen Head. He ran all through high school, and even got a cross country scholarship to a school in North Carolina. Like most people from rural Kentucky, going to college 200 miles away was about 195 miles too far, so he dropped out, came back,

So...we’re thinking, like, Month 7 of the Trump Presidency?

Football is pretty stupid in a dozen ways, and is one of the largest industries in the world. I’d say we let these people do their thing.

I’m getting a lot of blubbering, most of it ending with a frustrated “Well yeah, but, he’s doing real work on HIS vacations,” but even they don’t believe what they’re saying.

Great documentary on Netflix about this race . Don’t know what’s crazier the course/individual feat of finishing or the guy who runs the whole thing . It’s really well done

When someone buys one for $35K I will start believing. With the tech involved my guess is we see sticker price starting at $40K.