
Full disclosure, I’m from Houston AND lived in NY for many years (including during Sandy). This whole situation is super sensitive and it’s REALLY driving me crazy seeing all the people going “FUCK TEXAS bc Sandy besides they’re just Republicans anyway!” Like...bro you’re from NJ, what party do you think Chris

Yes, you’re a terrible fucking person. Not that it matters, but the concept of “state voting” is ridiculous. Houston is one of the bluest spots in Texas, one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the US and voted Clinton in 2016. We have an African American Democrat mayor and who was preceded by one of the first

This narrative needs to stop. It’s all over Jezebel and it’s disgusting. I get it, Texas is republican, and republicans are horrible people.

I have never responded to comments on here, but I had to for this. These are human beings. Some voted for Trump, but most didn’t. Houston is one of the blue parts of this state, but you can bet your ass, if a human is in need of help, I’m going to do what I can to help them. I refuse to sit on my hand and say “Fuck

Difference between rescue and rebuilding funds. I believe both Texas senators were part of the group trying to block rebuilding funds to the victims of Sandy.

You could have stopped after the “I’m probably a terrible fucking person” part. You’re right, you are. Houston is one of the bluest cities in the country and is majority minority.

Good news! You can finally feel bad for people affected by this natural disaster! Houston has a Democratic mayor and is mostly blue so now you too can feel like the people who are being rescued from rising waters from their roofs should deserve some sort of help. https://www.texastribune.org/2016/11/11/harris-county-tu

To be fair, Houston voted for Hillary by an 11 point margin and elected an openly gay mayor three times.

I’m probably a terrible fucking person

Wrong. See the big blue area. Houston is a city of almost 4 million people and that’s its urban center where most of the people live. Houston is a “majority-minority” city so it’s interesting to watch all you phony so-called liberals get some weird glee in the suffering here. Hmmmmm.

The funny thing is, the Mayor and most of our city officials are Democrats...so people trying to paint their actions as incompetent (which they aren’t so far) to make Republicans look bad are way off the mark. 

Yeah. Rita is exactly why Houston officials don’t want to evacuate. More people died in traffic than in this storm so far.

Your empathy is touching. I will hold it close to my heart overnight as I sit in my closet during the tornado warning while watching for water to creep in.

Well, it’s going to be really hard to secede when we’re literally drowning. Don’t drag politics into this and go back under your bridge.

I work to change Texas every damn day.

Texas is red countryside with blue cities- just like everywhere else in the country including whereever your state is. Houston is blue, probably way more diverse than your city, a science and university center, with a black dem mayor following its lesbian dem mayor. It’s a liberal place.

Houston, a blue city pushing to make roads into turning Texas blue again and is the most diverse city in the country is experiencing catastrophic flooding on a degree higher than any of the red areas. Now would be a good time to mock the ones trying fix the problems. right?

Yeah, that’s gross. People are dying. I live in that other purple and heavily gerrymandered state. Given the federal response, Harvey is pretty worrisome.

You realize Houston is liberal don’t you? It’s the most diverse city in country & not even sort of filled with the rednecks you’ve imagined us as.

I’m a Houstonian. I’m a die hard democrat who voted Hillary & is working hard to keep my city blue. I don’t deserve this shit, neither does my toddler, or my friends. Not even the fuckfaces who voted for Trump do. This is terrifying.