
I agree with you, but if belief in God is helping that woman cope with this awful time in her life I can’t really judge her.

If anyone wants to donate, here’s a good article from Texas Monthly with a large list of local charities.

Can you not right now? I’m not even going to argue with you with actual facts about how Houston tends to go blue because political affiliations should not matter right now. These are actual human beings and our fellow Americans who need help.

I hesitate to use the “Houston usually goes blue” argument here because in a time of crisis where people are literally losing everything it shouldn’t matter, but since you seem to lack even a shred of empathy here goes. Houston is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the US. Clinton won Harris and Fort Bend

Then you’re a terrible fucking person too. Good day.

Houston is one of the bluest spots in Texas. We consistently have Democrat mayors and Harris county went to Hillary in 2016. That said, if it crosses your mind that an area deserves disaster relief because of how a state voted, you’re a garbage human being. 

Yes, you’re a terrible fucking person. Not that it matters, but the concept of “state voting” is ridiculous. Houston is one of the bluest spots in Texas, one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the US and voted Clinton in 2016. We have an African American Democrat mayor and who was preceded by one of the first

I’ll just echo what has already been said here. In Houston we’re really not thinking about red vs. blue right now since disasters don’t really care about ideology, but since you brought it up Houston is one of the bluest spots in Texas and voted Clinton in 2016. Our mayor is a black Democrat and was preceded by one of