Håkon Leth

Jamie is wearing armor and has one hand and is sinking in water. Unless someone fishes him out, he is drowned.

Couldn't they have just flipped the image?

Because Qyburn tested it on a centuries old skull? Things do get brittle.

Mulgore is apparently in Westeros ;)

Don't forget there is one other known Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast in iZombie. Mr. Boss mentioned he used to be a Dungeon Master last season to Blaine while taking him to be killed.

"But Major, why did you invite her to your house? When you were alone? Stranger danger, dude."

So… The plan to save earth is to put lead in our atmosphere? Just a trace amount not harmful to humans?

The IP address of the camera was First the agent says the system didn't recognize it.
Then Wynn thought that was the key to finding the camera and tried to track it. Then found that he had somehow "rerouted" the address. Surprised it didn't lead to a camera on the roof of the DEO.

HIstory has already been altered! Someone moved the asteroid belt real close to the Moon's orbit… and also greatly increased its density….

Hey its not exactly Archambault Asylum or Belle reeve…

Name check - The ship was bound not just for the other side of the galaxy but for a specific planet named "Takron-Galtos". Takron-Galtos was a planet that was primarily part of the Legion of Super-Heroes (you know, the superhero group Mon-El… and Supergirl… eventually join a thousand years from now), and it was a

The season they spend trying to stop hatred of aliens and show aliens aren't bad and stop an anti-alien weapon…. the Kara gets pulled off to defeat some alien invasion that conforms to all the xenophobic nightmares. Don't suppose they will use Medusa on the dominators will they?

as a DC comics purist, I knew I couldn't expect "Bob Cobb", door-to-door brush salesman, but was hoping for at least Bob….

Having not read the books I assumed she either had or lost the baby and then was pregnant again before returning to the 20th century.

The dilemma thing is stupid. Column A: the particle accelerator might kill Barry, might cause more metahumans. Column B: Zoom kills everyone in central city including Joe, Iris, Wells, Cisco, Barry's Dad, and oh, yes, Barry too, which they are completely powerless to stop. Which of these choices makes sense?

Ivar will master the weirding way and become an unstoppable warrior.

I agree completely, there is zero consistency. The time masters require precision lest history be damaged yet pilgrim shoots up a police station in persuit of a victim? and after being thwarted neither she nor the crew try to finish the other, but instead race off to the next confrontation? and Ray being beaten