
Flawed observational study - patients not randomized and patients who received hydroxychloroquine were also more likely to get steroids, which does appear to help those who are more severe.

Many of the guns in Chicago come from states with looser gun control laws. This is known as the “iron pipeline” and anyone who actually cares about lives in Chicago knows about.

Newcomers: you can just ignore this guy. He’s just an old man who seems to be angry about his mediocrity. He flails about like that little bagel tantrum guy then goes away.  

> defending the little fascist paul blest

Also, Maggie’s mother Nancy is a VP at Rosenstein, a PR firm that has worked for the Trump family going back to Fred Trump, and for the Kushner family (Jared went to them when his father went to federal prison.)

It looks like you have to be a “first-time participant” to use this.  

I keep getting:

Hey, if you want your kid to stay a virgin forever, a Young Republican in College is the best way.


It’s a proof-of-concept hosted directly on VLC’s servers. I’d say it’s better to know if you’re vulnerable than not know, but, sure, you can just delete the app without testing if you want.

I’m guessing they meant “inexpensive.

USA only or international too?

Holy shit I’m in awe of how edgy you are, bro.  You’re just killing it in the edgy game, bro. You’re like the Dane Cook of edgy, bro.

But isn’t the bigger issue that they already have access to the database with our faces with which to compare it? I mean, the government already had it from my passport photo and drivers license photo but seemingly the airlines already have access to that database whether we opt into doing the scan at the airport or

Look, you’re either an edgelord doing an edgelord act in the comments or you actually do this, in which case you’re a mentally ill person who thinks it’s okay to touch other people. Either way, stop acting like a piece of shit. Deal with your issues. See a shrink.

Don’t batter people because you have anger issues. This is not healthy or normal.  You should see a psychiatrist for your issues before you hurt someone or they turn around and defend themselves, hurting you.

An eSIM just means your device doesn’t need a SIM as it’s emulated in software on your phone, but presumably someone could still convince Google that they’re you, that they got a new phone that doesn’t have eSIM capability, and to replace the eSIM on your account with their new SIM.

They also have a huge monetary interest to protect how they’re tracking and monetizing your personal data to advertisers.

Open source means the code of the app is open to audit. In theory this could mean less of a chance that the app/service/developer is secretly slurping your data off to sell to advertisers.

For some reason Japan doesn’t grow a lot of nuts domestically. I wonder if its because with limited land they’d rather focus on things like rice? That’s just a guess. Anyway, you can still get it at bigger supermarkets that feature imports, but, yeah, it’s more of a luxury.