
If it is, you need to start a band, asap.

So you've never, say, caught a whiff of a scent and been taken back, no control of your own, to a memory triggered by that smell? If you haven't, there's enough documentation of the connection between smell and memory to make you the odd one out rather than those that have (no offense meant, of course), and music is

You don't really have to be racist to be condescending. 007 could still know he's better than everyone else without it being for such a fake reason as skin color, but because he's really better than everyone else.

E'erybody's got time for that.

lol I see Schmidt from New Girl doing this.

Sorry, but anything having to do with a vagina by any name always just sounds awesome to me. Cunt just fails as a swear word when half the people you throw it at would take it as a complement.

I go the full, "jesusfuckingchrist" for a showstopper.

It sucks to be Edith.

For the first time, I wouldn't argue. (Having not seen True Detective yet, of course.) I've enjoyed this season a good bit, and I think the actors always do a great job, whatever story we're being told. My grandmother was a British immigrant, and I always wonder where she fit in in her homeland, back in the day.

lol The title of every episode can be "It sucks to be Edith."

I haven't read David Mitchell, but the way this reviewer described his writing, it sounds like my favorite Sheri S Tepper books. Her worlds interweave and interact and she builds the story from both ends towards the middle in such ways that can only be explained by aliens. Bone Clocks sounds definitely worth a read.