
Um, male readers are the one's who generally need to be swayed on the sexism front so...

I worked for a company with a business casual dress code. I lokked around, saw the men in ratty, worn jeans, sneakers or work boots with their equally worn button up shirts. Twice I tried to pull off new, dark jeans and herls with my dress shirt and both times I got called into my manager's office for a lecture on

You're right. Instead, the critics and assholes just constantly call her a man though.

Yeah, I don't think he "simply" tried to show the double standard. I think he went well out of his way to provide some insight to people who are naysayers or who just don't get it.

...he simply proved something we all already know, the double standard women deal with on a day-to-day basis.

I know. You forced a joke that wasn't there.

That would be a foursome. And where did she say men?

You could fuck 5,000 people and never get an STD, just like you can fuck one and get HIV. Don't be an idiot.

Looks like Bobo is a nogo, his dating prowess is soso, seems like just another dudebro.

I guess author uses IE, because on Chrome and Firefox cursor do not work well, eye dropper tool also not working. But - its free, don't require flash, accessible online and supports SVG!

It's super-helpful if you read the article before commenting. Maybe even think about the words a little, too.

Unfortunately, it was tracking my cursor about 6 inches down and to the right. This seems like a great tool but I can't get over that issue.

I don't get what you're doing here. You clearly understand why hourly wage retail workers deserve and can easily have holidays off and why certain professionals are desperately needed. So why do you have to make the point twice that this is the case for you and so many of your friends? Are you trying to complain? Do

What are you asking here? Why aren't retail workers expected to work like medical professionals, EMTs and police officers? Is that what you're asking?

Let me fix that for you: "I'm not offended by something that has no impact on me, so who cares about the impact on you. Shut up." There. That's what you meant.

I think we agree that he's an ass. I was just pointing out that he wasn't wearing that shirt because he was some kind of fashion-oblivious science guy; he was intentionally making a statement.

Then he can do his THING with someone besides the ESA, I should hope. Dude, not only was this sexist, gross, and inappropriate, you also took a decade long, devoted team effort and made it ALL ABOUT YOOOOOOUUUU. What a fucking dick. I'll bet his coworkers key his car on the regular.

I bet that's what it is. I'm a woman in STEM, and in my experience, the cumulative effect of being 1. An arrogant scientist who thinks he's hot shit and 2. The "coolest" guy around is an orgy of self-congratulation. Seriously, he is such a type, namely Insufferable Douchebro.

As a woman who used to work in manufacturing and was often the *only* woman on the production floor, trust me, we care, and we call out the worst of it, but jesus fucking christ is it exhausting. Also, its not our job to teach people not to be assholes.

It's actually about ethics in science journalism.