
All of this "trendy design will save the third world!" shit is garbage. Leaving aside how we decimate local economies by undermining local retail and manufacturing when we airlift in free crap without a thought, no one ever thinks about maintenance. An object isn't useful if it can't be repaired locally. Can you patch

They almost certainly don't, which means they'll be hotbeds for horrible foot fungus and god knows what else

People made fun of him mercilessly for his size though, the same with King George.

The eternal golfer...

"Be vulnerable" is great advice for a lot of things. And my SO is a man of euphemistically-described body dimensions as well and I'm a huge fashion nerd so if you want shopping pointers #hitmeup

Man Garrison Keillor has taken a dark turn in his autumn years...

The difference, #whattaboutdamenz, is that if you mistakenly wear jeans to work no one calls you a slut. No one makes any assumptions about your sexual behavior whatsoever. Thanks for letting us know what the "girls" you worked with (might want to get that child labor law violation checked out) wore that you found

Women ARE people, shithead. If the pics had all been of men I'm pretty fucking sure you wouldn't be "correcting" anything. Go fuck yourself.

Cool if you could just give us a typed-up list of all the feminist issues you don't care about we can strike them off the agenda and maybe get this whole sexism thing wrapped up before dinnertime.

Nah I'm sure Joan heaven is full of beautiful, interesting people who get her jokes. And a good chunk of her life was like that too, which isn't a bad run.

A single Chris Pratt you say...


The conversation is about "actual things that can happen." If you're not talking about "actual things that can happen" why don't you shut the fuck up?

It's not rape, shithead. It's not like rape at all. Interrupting with BBBBUT MEN just makes you a fucking asshole.

Notallman, is that you?!

Things like the flowchart erode away "everybody does it." There are so many boys and men who have literally never thought twice about catcalling. Even hearing that women don't like it is news to them. You can crow about how you're "one of the good ones" all you want, but if you were actually a good man you'd be

Man write your own comments, don't plagiarize them from the quotes section of the IMDb entry for The Town That Banned Crayons (1985)

It looks like a giant champagne bottle! And was funded by basically industrial murder :\ But so pretty!

She said some homophobic shit or something right as 212 was peaking which kind of let the wind out of her sails too.

Posting from the future to tell you to go fuck yourself.