Ugh... it hurts because I want the same thing.. :|
Please Squenix. Please.
Ugh... it hurts because I want the same thing.. :|
Please Squenix. Please.
The 10th iteration?
N10Do (Do More)
Quick, snag the rights to that!
You've cracked it!
I still root for the Templars. I started with 3 though, maybe I'm missing something.
I think they have the best concept, before the corruption sets in.
Lawlessness doesn't equal freedom in my mind.
I'm.. surprised at the comments..
Am I the only one that thinks this is wonderful?
Sure, it's a mess.. the air quality is already bad.. but it's an event.. have some fun!
Maybe, I'm just a little too redneck-pyro after all. :'|
*makes sparkler bomb*
*oxy/acetylene bomb in wait*
*dry ice bombs up next*
Screw this, I'm…
I will definitely give it a try. :)
Just waiting a bit first.
Good to hear you, and others, have liked it. Heaven knows how many games I've loved that've reviewed like crap. lol
I've just always thought of it as animation from Japan. :|
Not that it really irks me either way.
Redbox? ;) lol
Sure. Also implied; I'm a bit more stingy in supporting an unsuccessful attempt.
I'd rather see a studio try something new, and succeed.
I'm sure I'll do the same.
Too bad, any game with a thermite launcher is supposed to be awesome. :|
It was there the whole time.. and I didn't see it!
Wonderful. :D
Still waiting. :|
I uh.. well.. hm. That's a shame.
Can't say I've seen a "no" on a game I've considered buying for a while now..
May just have to pass this one up. :|
(I'll wait until hearing from others, but this seems to be the consensus from the few who've spoken about it.)
Heh. You sure insinuate a lot of condemning things sir. :P
I play games for the story. Having it spoiled takes away the vast majority of what the game would offer me.
Sure, the hero wins.. but at what cost? His/her time? A friend? A future? A dream?
Knowing that all but kills the experience of most plot driven…
Ya.. I probably would.. I did buy P3P, but.. when I was <2 hours in.. a "friend" (lol) spoiled the ending for me. Just.. casually decided to blurt out the entire thing. Bummer.
I just don't know if I can enjoy it now. :/
I've only played P4G (Vita), and I really enjoyed it. :)
I don't really feel the need to pick up the old ones.. but it seems like a great series to pick up if you want a nice RPG. :)
Crud, the camera is controllable on the New 3ds? >.>
I don't need it... I don't need it.. -.-'
Wait.. what? The 2nd season will be full episodes? :/ Uh.. ya.. idk how to feel about that either!.. I need to google this..
*Ya.. where did you see this at? I'm not finding it. :/