
The show was wonderful. :)
Makes me glad that my wife and me are both "otaku"-ish.
.. but cool to see this, where it works out if they try.
That was a very funny scene with her catgirl pose and meow. haha
Moe? ~Nya~ *off to shopping* <3

..and that last episode.. it's kinda where we are in life (-the actual event at the

I definitely won't be able to make you happy.~ :|


Man, Tyson walked all over me, (and probably still would!).. though we did beat him.. once. lol
This is VERY impressive! Good job sir! :D

Thanks. :) I wouldn't say it's much effort though, as he mostly set me up.
I was going for more of an.. ignore Mine dying (cause it's sad), and play dumb...
It did take the lame joke turn partway through though.
What can I say.. Mine own humor kills me sometimes.

Mine is her name.. you mean.. her name is mine?
I'm confused.. so.. her name, is your name?
..but I don't know your name..
..and what of yours is going to die?
..and where is your pinky in the picture?


Your pinky in the photo-shopping picture?
I don't know what you mean~...

I... just... don't... know... :'|

Your what is going to die?
I don't get it...

I just LOVE that Esdeath could quite literally... freeze time. :| What. A. Stupid. Power.
Other than that, ya, good enough show. Was pretty surprising, especially at the beginning with his friends.. until later.. when everyone started dying.
I stopped caring once Bols was nonchalantly killed off. *tear* You don't

Thanks! That was a big concern of mine. :)
..and hey, reviews are just opinions after all, "official" or not.
I appreciate you sharing yours!

Not always, but sometimes review copies are held back for a reason. I'd rather not go in blindly. As, I've got a big backlog atm.. and don't want to add another to it now if it has issues.

Sounds nice. :) (and no, never played Dead Island)
Any issues with it playing poorly? I've just been informed the PC version has issues... but I'll most likely go ps4, or XOne.

PS4 most likely, unless it somehow plays better on the XOne.
Hm.. good to hear it's a blast to play! ... hopefully reviews come in for console versions.. I kinda.. really want to get it. >.>

Um.. any idea when a review will be up for Dying Light?
Just kinda.. cautious since not much has been said as of yet. >.<

I decided to go for it. :)
I don't personally print anything, but the wife (being a teacher) does use our inkjet now and again. What brand ours is, I don't recall.. but it's just the normal Walmart cheapo. The ink is always dried out, and just doesn't print much per refill.. not too cheap on those either.

Thanks for

Marin.. <3

This is First4Figures. Check out the other stuff they've made.
Nothing at all to do with amiibos, except being licensed by Nintendo. :P

I like the faceplate idea on the little one!
It makes me hopeful for some cool ClubNintendo offerings...
This is not to say Nintendo is silly, or losing a sale.
I won't get a New 3ds until there is an exclusive title that justifies it.

I'm right there with ya buddy. :)
Ballad of the Windfish still gets me.. Marin <3

:) Nice review Richard.
Me and the wife really enjoyed this one too. :D
The characters were great, the plot was cool.. I'm glad we picked it up.
Kanie was a pretty fun character, and I enjoyed how he was motivated to fix the park. :)

Oh, ya, sorry for not explaining well. I'm a collector too. I've got a idk.. 4-5 Miku nendoroids, and another handful of other characters... I just meant more if that style went well for the game and never seemed off or anything. >.< Heh.