
Awesome. :) .. and thanks for the info!
I never imported Mirai, as region-lock took the wind out of my sails on that.

Ohh~.. Guarantee'd wonderfulness..? I can't wait. :D
(... did the chibi/nend. style ever bug you? Being used to normal scale, I wonder.. lol)

Which is cool and everything, it is what it is. Though, I kinda feel that it needs pointed out.
The actual next gen portable probably isn't too far away.

Nope, you're not alone. It really seems like the DSi again to me as well.
A smidge more processing, +one little c-stick, same screen (albeit with tracking 3d), and NFC.. doesn't make a very convincing argument that this is the "next gen" portable for Nintendo.

I don't expect to be waiting but another year or two

Man.. I am loving all these Project Diva games coming over. :D
Ohh.. I wonder how cute the little Nendoroids will look in 3d. :3

.. also, doesn't this one supposedly have all the songs from the other Mirai titles? :/ I might've dreamed that up though.

Either way, can't wait to get it! :D

It's almost kinda gross how rampant scalping is these days. :|

"New 3ds".. if I may answer for him...
It is not the next gen portable, it is a DS to DSi sort of "new". Yes, it is technically new, and slightly better spec'd.. even playing some games that the original 3ds can not.. but it's not the true next gen portable device from Nintendo.

That's what we are waiting for. :)

I'm pretty much in the same boat. Isn't it just about time for a new handheld from Ninty?
I'd really appreciate a better res. screen just about now.

"I think its time to upgrade to the the bigger prettier version."

:P The teal is wonderful though! .. if old now.. and very fingerprint prone.
Good job keeping yours looking nice too *high-five*.

I was just talking about this yesterday with the wife.. I wanna see it. :|
I don't suppose there's a legal way to watch this state-side is there? >.<
*off to the google machine*

Thanks for all the helpful info! :)
I don't have issues encountering Ralts.. just getting the right nature, gender, and everything..
I guess I just have pretty bad luck.. seeing as I still haven't gotten what I want. :|

I've had the same bad luck with Shroomish. :/ Meh. Guess my good luck from the original didn't

I was waiting for this list. :) Thanks as always for your hard work Richard!

Ugh.. I really.. really wanted a nice Romance, or Slice of Life this season.. Oh well, still some pretty cool things to watch. :)

Ah.. ok. :)
Is there something I'm not doing right?
I've got my.. er.. radar dealy.. up to level.. 100+ and I'm still just not having luck.
I'll have to google what the "potential" means and such.. but if you have any tips, that'd be great! :)

(On ORAS?) Could you trade me one? :|
Not kidding, I've got a box and a half full of the absolute wrong ones. :(
Female, and Male if possible. :)

My word.
How many CD's would it take to make a complete album of those.. :|

*even @ ~25 songs per CD.. that's ~18...
What.... >.<

We're always around. Watching. Judging.
..but mostly playing Project Diva F2nd. :)

Awesome. :)
Now we just have to hope that some of the best ones get brought overseas. :)

Normally, I'd agree Prof., but I've had too many Limited Ed. games from Amazon ship in bubble envelopes. They always arrive broken, bent, and torn-up.. it's just not worth it anymore for me. :(

You've convinced me. :) .. and thanks to amazon, not that bad of a deal either.
Thanks sir, I appreciate it. :)

No, I had not checked that out. :) Thank you!
.. Man.. sounds great...
I wish it was on Vita also. It's getting hard for me to find the time to sit at a console and play for long periods of time these days. :/

I may still give this a shot, thanks again. :)

How is that?
I really wanted to try Neptunia (got the 1st one), but the battle system was.. you know.
Does Re-Birth fix most/all of that?