
Great article. "Games aren't art. They're our lives. They're our memories."

The studio is in Arcadia. I'm not that familiar with the area.

"Capps says they can have a hard time getting prospects to relocate to its North Carolina headquarters."

Hmm... does this apply to girly Kotaku shirts as well?

I got through 2001 no problems! I don't know what it is about blade runner. It's just hypnotizing.

I've slept through blade runner twice. Never watched the whole thing.

Can I buy it on Kindle? :D


I just got one off the Nvidia card I just bought. Good stuff.

I live in South Carolina. Anytime I walk outside for more than 5 minutes I get bit by a mosquito. Watching them get pelted with rain drops made my day :D

The last line of the clip is pretty great.

I hear ya, but none of these tools would actually flip the switch.

So I'm curious... does anyone reading this actually own a 3D printer?

I actually kinda like Garrett Hedlund. His voice rocks.

Everything was great about that trailer except the shot (pictured above) where he pulls a "cool guys don't look at the car they're casually crushing with their mind."

Man, this game looks great. Great color pallet and it just looks dynamic!

I felt pretty Meh about the first one, but I'll admit I'm looking forward to this now.

Oh yeah, forgot about Guild Wars. Good stuff. I'd like to play their concept art more than the game though

Now playing

I hate to be "that guy," but Blade & Soul was announced years ago... also using UE3. And it is what I would consider the prettiest MMO.

Rovio should seriously make a new series where you play as the pigs. Greedy Pigs? I'd get on board.