
In my search to find an ironic image, I stumbled across a cool Lincoln story haha.

Is it sad that I had to google "The Hub?"

I'm in the same boat, except I've never owned an iPhone. I've been waiting for it to show up on Verizon for years. Then when it did... just like you, I figured I'd wait a little longer. And then a little longer. All for a shiny turd. We're so tight on cash right now I'm considering dropping data and text on my

Can you buy the 8gb 4 without a contract? If it was 200, i might consider it. I'm going to want the iPhone that should have been announced today asap.

This was announced today? Interesting... considering who else had some announcements today :D

Ancient movies are easy to acquire. More movies, more bragging rights. Stop wasting my time and money.

There's way too many. When blockbuster was still alive, you didn't see half-century old movies scattered amongst new titles.

I for one, welcome new tv content, but I feel like netflix has always had a terrible online selection of movies. I got hooked on mad men and breaking bad like everyone else! However, I don't want to go through a tv show marathon every week. I want a large selection of films to choose from after a day of work.

I was actually surprised how well Twilight Princess was controlled. Looking forward to the added benefits of motion plus.


The end of the segment says it takes him 2 hrs to hike down the easy side of the mountain.

Because this was written in December of last year.

Seems like all comic book games look terrible.

I always clean my grill with a wire brush before firing it up. A couple months ago I got a piece of wire in my chicken... didn't stop me from enjoying my dinner though :D

I didn't read this. I just came here to say I don't appreciate that possible massive spoiler.

I waited through that whole video for a turquoise jeep. Eddie murphy was good though.

lol I feel so bad for that mouse. He looks so pitiful.

My wife used my macbook pro till it kicked the bucket. Honestly, she needed a tablet all along though. She only needs to check fb, email, and watch hulu and netflix. I've been wanting to get her an ipad for a while now, but can the Fire do all those things as well?


Area 52 sounds like it would be way more fun as a video game.