
Make it stop!!!! Just don't add me on fb, people. You're all miserable.

Anyone see a high rez version anywhere?

It takes a lot to get me to a website to "find out more." Kudos.

I agree the song sux. Sounds like stock music.

Did I know how I felt about the issue? Yes. Did I expect that everyone on Gizmodo is completely miserable and hates seeing people in love? Nope. Whatever.

If I really had to rough it I would just eat ramen all the time. And I would love every bite of it. I'm obsessed with the stuff, but it's against my current diet.

Good thoughts. I'm best friends with the "hide all posts by xxxxx" function. If people get bothered by "luv" comments they should too.

Wow scobee, you know what's up. We're actually in class about the love languages. My wife happens to be words of affirmation.

You live up to the name, sir! :)

"They're writing on each other's walls saying things like, "I luv u so much baby!" Sick."

I guess I'll hand it to Nintendo for making consoles they don't loose money on. I remember when the 360 was first released, it took what like 40% more money to make than it sold for? Seems like nintendo prefers to stay in the green.

Gotcha. I stuck with the mac pro rip-off. It works for me. I did the "stealth drive mod" so you don't see my hideous black dvd drive on a silver case. Glad to see some fortress lovin though. I actually named my pc "Fortress" lol.

Seems like there's a ton of disclaimers to go with nintendo products these days. I realize dvd is slowly going the way of the dinosaurs but come on.... it's a disk drive. Throw in some dvd support.

w000t!! We should start a fan club. Did you go black or silver? I got the silver with no window.


Yup. I love having access to the mb ports. I keep my back up hdd cable tucked in the opening and I simply pull it out when I need it. Way better than having a usb cord always laying on the floor.

My old case was a Smilodon. Total piece of junk. Loud, hot, sucked up dust like my vacuum, and I've found that cases with doors are just awful.

i just bought the ft02. love it.

I just bought a Silverstone ft02 for my latest build. It's got the appeal of the raven, but without the ridiculous plastic crap all over it. It's a total mac pro ripoff, but that's alright with me.

Trying to choose my words carefully... Why does Gizmodo always have the same stance on stories like these? Any time a person takes some kind of risk for the sake of thrill seeking, Giz loves to mock them for it. I wouldn't suspend myself from a balloon either, much less get my ears pierced! However, I can still