Hitlary Clinton

And then there was Black Sails, which had a gay main character and lesbian sex scenes every other episode, but…

That was kind of how I felt when I realized he played Grant on Review.

Personally, I'm surprised that an AV Club reviewer mentioned rape without immediately launching into a lengthy tirade about the evils of portraying rape onscreen.

Okay, how is Eric Cartman not on this list? Dude, he'll make you eat your parents.

The line irked ME because THEIR FIRST MOMENT TOGETHER ON THE SERIES has Mickey asking Sabrina for a cigarette when she sees her smoking and Sabrina denying her, followed by Mickey swiping her pack. The criticism is totally invalid. This reviewer is terrible.

"and will remove a whopping 0.02 percent from the $3.8 trillion federal budget.".

Hey, anybody remember when Powerless was a comic book published by Marvel called Damage Control? I've thought for a while now that that would be a fun title to do as a TV series to show the lighter side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but now it would just look like a ripoff.

For the most part it's too theatrical for my tastes. It's like Tommy, with a few good songs ("The Carpet Crawlers" really is awesome) and a lot of (forgive me!) filler. I would argue The Wall for greatest concept album of all time.

So Kimmie Schmidt is repeatedly criticized for having a white person play a Native American, while Baskets is lauded for having a man play a woman. The social politics of TV reviewers is so confusing these days.

More like "out to lunch", I think.

Maybe they could use it as an opportunity to add Saavik into the continuity?

I'm on my way!
Heh heh heh… what'd you say Marge?