
Why do people keep bringing up the daughters thing... that kind of stuff is human nature. Thousands of people die every day, and almost no one, except those directly involved, give a shit. Oh someone was shot in Minsk or drowned in Kyoto? Oh well, that’s too bad, what can ya do. It’s only when things touch closer to

I remember games like Civilization and Railroad Tycoon having manuals that were essentially books.

Yeah, I’m not going to watch this. I was a major fan of the show growing up, then a bit less enamored once I rewatched it on Netflix and realized how stupid the writing and characterization was in 75% of the episodes... but I was still a fan. Then the come-back season happened. Part of the problem was that only 1

Most amusing

“PNC Park: 2nd overall, top-rated stadium for families, and top-rated fan experience.”

Finishing up a second playthrough of Horizon: Zero Dawn that I started in the summer but never finished (can’t wait for the DLC next month, though at $20 it better be damned meaty). Also playing Dragon Quest 4 on the 2DS; it was a childhood favorite, and I’ve played it several times on emulators over the years, but

“If the UFC added more weight classes... fighters wouldn’t be forced into as many unhealthy situations and have their kidneys shut down because of extreme cuts.”

Goldthwait strikes again!

Yeah, no, I ain’t downloading this even for free, even though I have SSE on PS4. I also have it on PC, so admittedly I could just use the superior, always-free mods if I wanted to, but it goes beyond that. I refuse to do anything at all that would in any way support this creation club BS, even something as simple as

“these kids are growing up with superior user interfaces”

ATTN: Bethesda

God Tier: Boo Berry (when I can get ahold of some)

No one even remotely familiar with metal on the Jez staff? That’s not the devil’s sign, that’s “I love you” in sign language. The devil can only be summoned when the thumb is tucked. The devil is quite strict on this, otherwise he’d be going out all the time to see people when they were just talking about loving each

To the people saying “well he doesn’t actually know for sure...” That’s true. What we do know is how much rent, utilities, etc. can cost. We also have data on what the average programmer, artist, etc. get paid—and it’s a hell of a lot. Even ‘lowly’ QA testers, yes, a hell of a lot more than most people would think.

Heinz Field (Steelers) was built for 380 million (2016 USD, according to wiki), seating about 65k at the time it was built, though it is a “no frills” type of place. They have since talked continually about adding more seats and making improvements, and some of this does actually happen from time to time. I guess what

But the Pope is only considered infallible in very rare circumstances. (As to which past historical circumstances, well oddly enough that isn’t agreed on—there is no official list of infallible statements. Nor has a Pope seen fit to infallibly declare which past statements are infallible... so the doctrine is kinda

“I’m 55 and have friends about a generation older who say corporal punishment in school was routine.”

I don’t really get the love that Civ V gets. I mean, ima give it its due: once it was out for a while and was patched and had some DLC it was pretty good. But Civ IV was one of the best PC games of all time. Of all time.

It’s been 10 years since I watched anything on MTV, but I assume they still play no music and no music videos on a regular basis? Not that things were amazing when I was a teen in the 90s, when it was the same 20 songs played in a loop for days at a time (Hootie and the Blowfish, Aerosmith, Snoop Dog, Nirvana,

“I really don’t even think it’s intentional. Most guys just think they are taller than they are”