
Just avoid hot topic.

“black people with first and last names starting with X can drink from this fountain, but no others. “ See? This isn’t a ban on all black people!

Star Trek fan vs. Star Wars fan debate? How AOL chat room of you!

Haha, not new, but I never pay attention to the screen names.

This level of hot take, are you a regular caller into local FM sports talk station?

Look, I know you’re more troll than serious about this argument, but I’ll answer.

Yeah, Wow, I mean, there sure is a lot of evidence that Marvel is in a lot of trouble these days. I mean, the spending power of misogynist male Internet 4chan trolls is like, 40% of all consumer spending!

Ouch. I did not get a kick out of this story.

Dude, you are crushing it! Look at you just decimating and blurring the lines of this safe space, I am loling at imagining all the liberals heads just explode as you shredded their world apart with that cutting wit. Damn!

I thought the next one was gonna be AntMan and the Wasp? Title character, yes?

Trust me, it's an absolute chuckle fest here. You just are bad at being funny.

The Internet is filled with real assholes giving literal asshole opinions that are just like yours, so you get treated as though you are an asshole. This is how it works.