Did they never teach you about economies of scale? The 350 is legion in the extreme, the mopar v10 not so much.
Did they never teach you about economies of scale? The 350 is legion in the extreme, the mopar v10 not so much.
Their fuel tanks aren’t huge though, trucks have big fuel tanks land barges often had absurd things like 13 gallon tanks. That one has a mere 25 gallon fuel tank.
The blend door for dual zone is more expensive, this is the only con.
How many fatal wrecks have you seen? Have you seen the way other countries train their drivers? If we’re going to train them as we do the cars are going to get absurd to kill and maim them less despite their incredible lack of skill.
Aye, room for legs and shoulders AND you can fit dogs in the climate controlled region.
The biggest (regular trucks not commercial ones) can haul more than 3,000lbs in the bed these days.
People piss and moan about tl:dr if you put it all in one, doofus.
You’re an asshole, you spam stuff and you goad Fahey who is in not the best health these days to do things. Go away pls.
Do you want an engine that makes power and lasts or do you want one that is newfangled and will cost a significant fraction of the purchase price to keep it running smoothly over the long term?
Are they really all civilians when the Japanese economy in 1945 was almost entirely devoted to making war material? In 1944 99% of the GDP in Japan was represented by war material. https://ourworldindata.org/military-spending
You civvies seem to rarely understand it but try to read please with an open mind, if you take issue with Wikipedia if you prefer I can provide you with a long list of books on this topic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_raids_on_Japan
They would have died in wholesale slaughter many times the number killed in the nuclear detonations and subsequent cancers if the firebombing kept up longer or if the place was invaded. I’m sorry that you can’t understand this was the least bad option. Did you see what happened in places the Soviet Union overran en…
Hardly, the nuclear power plants aboard the submarines and the fleet carriers provide the boats and ships (respectively) with unlimited endurance (except human endurance and food stowage limitations) for 25 years or more depending on the age and type of the reactor(s in the case of the carriers or in some Russian…
Unless you gussy it up with many options transaction price is more like 14k.
Spelling it that way makes it look like you have late-stage syphilis.
Hopefully you will die before the population declines enough to put you in the position of an economist in the government.
The United States Department of the Air Force did not exist until 1947, during the entirety of the Second World War it was the United States Army Air Corps.