Japanese forces raped, murdered, and pillaged China for years prior to getting fire bombed and nuked repeatedly. They got their comeuppance.
Japanese forces raped, murdered, and pillaged China for years prior to getting fire bombed and nuked repeatedly. They got their comeuppance.
Hitler lost, Stalin was gearing up to invade China and eradicate the 1.1 million man Japanese Army in China en route to invading Japan. Nuking them stopped them and some of those dudes were able to go home instead. Not to mention in every infantry engagement of the Pacific War the Japanese fought nearly to the last…
Would you rather we invade and kill them all because they won’t surrender like they did in every single infantry engagement of the war? lol
Would you rather we invaded and killed millions of Japanese with the dying nearly to the last man like they did on Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Peleliu, Guadalcanal, I could keep going if you like...
Typical crayon eater can’t do to or too... Read a book.
You call people stupid but you can’t do to and too, I bet you can’t do there, their, they’re, your, or you’re. Sit down.
We lost 55,000 someodd Americans, a few more ANZACs, in exchange for millions of Vietnamese. If the Civil Rights era hadn’t intersected the conflict...
You miserable cretin the Navy slings torpedoes and surface to surface, surface to land, and surface to air missiles. Bullets are just for crazed crewmen on rampages and counter-boarding operations, visit board and search etc.
Depending on the bandwidth of your ISP you could improve your wifi with wifi 6...
You just take pictures of the one you have, take good measurements, email them to the company, and they’ll (for money) ship you instructions and materials to do it.
That sucks, the underside of the stairs is behind my entertainment center so you can put all kinds of stuff in there.
My house has one and when I get better at carpentry I want to adjust it for wide screen. It fits 40" CRT back in the day but no 65" 16:9 :/
Check out the Genki Covert Dock, it’s tiny and it delivers the correct voltage and amperage to the switch, has USB ports (A and C, the C does the alternate mode/video for switch). It plugs into the wall or any other NEMA 15/20 receptacle and has travel adapters for the rest of the world. Mine plugs into a UPS and the…
If it gets too hot check out acinfinity you can .com it or just google it if you prefer. They make home theater ventilation stuff, and in-line duct booster fans, and fans to go in your wall to suck heat from your fireplace or wood stove to another room, and 42u rack vent systems, really any kind of brick and mortar…
It’s probably useless for consoles that aren’t PC’s or nVidia Shield products but check out the controller that came with the 2015 Shield TV Pro. It’s huge and uses wifi direct instead of bluetooth for better latency. it also works over usb to computers.
What’s on the other side of the wall from your living room TV Wall? I don’t hear the noctua industrial 140mm 3000 rpm fans because they’re behind an insulated wall and there’s a 3 meter cables through the wall to the AVR and from there to the TV. I do the same for my workstation upstairs and the wife’s.
Behold the power of the recliner!
In places with 1TB caps on comcast you can fork over another $50/mo for unmetered or just fork over the $300/mo for fiber! 2gbps up and down!
It’s smaller than the Shuttles I had in the 00's.