Jordan Hites

Pursuit rated means quick AF.

Arab princes will make this a real thing.

The flat street that I live on gets so icy that I slide down the driveway diagonally and have to ride the brakes to prevent the tires from braking loose at idle, and this is on winter tires. An Outback with studded winter tires is planned before this winter, because that’s some devil ice.

Wheelies off the showroom floor. Well shit; I guess it’s ok then.

I honestly thought it more likely you didn’t know how to spell “funny” as opposed to knowing how to spell such a simple word and misspelling it. Anyway, it’s sad that this is what you chose to focus on. Unsurprising, but nonetheless sad.

Funny how you can’t even spell “funny”. Anyway, still seeing things as being black and white, are we? How quaint.

So if someone doesn’t support Trump, they must support Obama? Oh bless your heart; that’s just precious.

I never said people make smart decisions. Look to the white house if you don’t believe me. Anyway, I plan on replacing my EG Civic with an 05-07 Outback, because I know I’ll be good once I swap in 11044AA642 head gaskets.

One man’s troll is another man’s counterpoint. I had a 99 Accord V6 with 200k miles on the original abused transmission, and my wife has a 2011 Fiesta with a Power shift, so I know where you’re coming from. My point is that consumers should look at the statistics of the likelihood of certain problems. These problems

Why is this stuff still illegal? Oh, that’s right! Our president is as crooked and self interested as Harry Anslinger, and his supporters think that Mexicans are going to zerg rush their lawns.

Add a “Sad!” to the end of that headline and it now sounds like a Trump tweet!

Well I’ll be damned; a car that actually sounds like what it does in Gran Turismo.

SC400 is the only good choice of the 4. However, I nominate the Subaru SVX. 7500 should leave plenty for a 4.44 swap and a big brake kit.

Agreed. I liked the previous Ridgeline, but I’m still amazed at just how much better the new one is.

What state is this in? I always have my unopened booze with me in the passenger compartment. Growlers to be filled and opened liquor bottles go trunk though.

So you’re saying you can’t be satisfied with an appliance? Please explain.

Now playing

True story: My Civic spun out under acceleration with new front tires & half worn rear tires. New tires always going on the rear from now on. Proof:

Preach it! My father just got a nice used SLK55 AMG and lo & behold, there are some mysterious Chinese off-brand tires on it.