Clint Beastwood

I can’t believe “uptalk” is still a thing.

Good tolerant liberal. And I’m sure when someone socks you in the face, you’ll cry victim. Wait, I though running around randomly insulting people who think differently than you was the hallmark of bigoted conservatives?? Oh you stupid, whiny fucks.

Where the fuck is your proof that Trump wants to “actively” hurt non-white people? Seeing as how he got greater support from minorities than Romney and McCain before him, this would be very interesting. I’ll wait.

Very true. But do you also scold your fellow lefty cunts when they make obligatory Hitler/SS/Concentration Camps references concerning Trump admin?

Nice, tolerant, liberal response.

Lol, check out this hand-wringing twat. Dude, calm the fuck down. This kind of idiotic hyperbole just makes you look like, well, an idiot.

Dude, calm the fuck down. The media and Hollywood were shamelessly shilling so hard for Hillary, and that dumb cunt still lost; shows you how wildly unpopular she was. I suppose you hate Fallon for ruffling Trump’s hair, too?

Yup. More fear-mongering, crybaby bullshit from the left. How do you suppose our service members felt about Hillary, who could have very well started an actual war with an actual super power?

What gov’t agency tried to swing election results? This sounds like conspiracy theory territory...



Mopey cunt. True character comes out in defeat.

To be fair, Colin is taking a stand on something that he doesn’t really know much about either. But hey, it’s so woke and progressive to believe that it’s open season on blacks and cops are just gunnin’ them down like there’s no tomorrow.

Hmm, no hot takes on Joy Behar calling Bill Clinton’s accusers “tramps?” Interesting...

Why do you suppose young black men are seen as more of a threat than young black women?

Unless they’re dark-skinned “refugees.” Then they’re free to assault and rape in droves. And militant, feminist cunts won’t say a goddamn word. But one white loser kills a woman, and they’re up in arms! Where the fuck are your priorities?

Sure. If you’re a dirty, dirty whore.

Gotta do it...

How about Smokey being in “rehab” for Next Friday???