
Fuck the Switch. Nintendo releasing a console for $300 bucks only to charge you another $150 when they release the more powerful dock. Also fuckin embarassing to rely on an APP to chat with your friends. Explain how that fucking bullshit is going to work.

Everyone should get off FB.

HOTS has made a lot of improvements recently and the game feels as fun as ever. If I were to be a nitpick, yes: too many damn Warcraft chars.

choco milk does taste good once in awhile, fair point.

Guess the rumor that this was goijg “free to play” was false. Looks like fun though....

$300 bucks on the Switch with no game. Then, Nintendo releases a dock (SCD) to up the power ($100-$150). Pay for a subscription service but for some reason, I have dl a fucking app to chat? Interestingly, there were sites reporting on the SCD 2 days ago and mysteriously, all news concerning the SCD was scrubbed off

There’s literally no reason to be drinking milk.