His Shadow

Ripley Voice: " Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"

But none of them are nearly as annoying and hilarious as folks who use the phrase "social justice warrior" pejoratively.

Oh, the dimwittery of the idea that the hate mob spawned by Gjoni would just go away if they were ignored.

I can't stand this movie. It's ridiculous and overblown and…

God stuff.

reinforces negative stereotypes about vegetarianism

they will only be told about it after they finally leave the house, along with the revelation that microphones and cameras record things.

…and smarter and more involved but not "nerds". "Enthusiasts" if you will. A term obsessed people like to use to delude themselves into thinking they are wholly rational creatures.

Before the Internet, Usenet was full of this tripe. But twas ever thus. Every fan base has it's collection of "I liked the band when…" dorks who disparage and denigrate fans who are "late to the scene" as if that %&#king matters with a show that's over 30 years old…

I think you meant to reply to Lovecraft in Brooklyn.

No, you are thinking of "Buck Rogers in the 21st Century".

Seriously, I hope people who cling to this idiotic 'Trekkers/Trekkies" dichotomy would end up in a shallow grave wrapped in Starlog magazines.

Good article. Nothing to add.

Good article. Nothing to add.