
To be fair, he pointed out that concussion denial wasn’t at the heart of soccer. He was pointing more at the often high level of corruption in the game, which I agree reaches NFL levels at times. Somebody else pointed out that it’s hard to compare multiple leagues with the single entity of the NFL, and I agree that

I also agree that the Diana Moskovitz piece on the NFL’s Dr. Nick Riviera was awesome. One thing that struck me about that article was the attitude of Brian McCarthy, the NFL PR guy, finally acknowledging that Elliot Pellman was the league’s medical director, as if she were a jerk for trying to get them to reveal

Never seen Meet Me in St. Louis besides the one scene with the song, but I disagree about Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I agree that the lyrics get messed with to make it happier, but in most versions it is definitely melancholy and that’s what makes it solid, better than 98% of the Christmas music out

I agree it’s not a solid equivalency, but one problem is that it’s so damn hard to tell about individual leagues. It’s really tough for fans to know what’s going on behind the scenes in most leagues because they tend to be opaque either on purpose or because they’re just small leagues that don’t get a lot of publicity.