
My takeaway from this article is that we’re saying:

By promoting this comment, I’m giving Poopnachos more views, thereby validating him in his own mind

I mean, are we even sure McCown got hurt last night? That video could be old.

My body has a built in sensor...the color of my piss. Granted, it’s not instantaneous but it’s not $100 either.

Dear Samsung/LG/Sony

Well, I would say it can do for books what Starbucks did for coffee, but burning books is frowned on.

That’s most definitely the reality of the situation. We’ve traded privacy for free and convenient.

Brand Loyalty Is for Suckers

Every year, when a new tech product is announced, the world divides into two kinds of people: people who line up to

Is this Hipster 2.0?

Um Samsung makes a lot of the iPhone’s components...