
He did all that math between cocaine fueled rapes I’m guessing. Probably with stolen chalk he took from white children.

Without going to the youtube page itself, the title is truncated as “Why the World’s Best Mathematicians are ho...”. I was amusing myself trying to figure out what the rest of the sentence was and all I could think of was “... homeless”.

I am going to bet that it will be a while before the changes become mainstream. Someone has to develop a proof of concept that this formula works in the real world. Then someone has to develop a design a functional lens that uses it. And finally there likely will be a patent that makes it harder for everyone else to

This must be fake news. I mean, he’s Mexican, and according to our President, he must then be a rapist or a drug dealer or something, and everyone knows those guys don’t have time for physics equations.

Image of him at work.

His chalkboard must be enormous.

3 minutes into your important presentation:

My ears had perked because I actually use serial in industry. Native serial is great and just works instead of having to hunt for my USB-serial adapter...

If you push that DB9 really hard it will still go in.

HEY! This is a tech blog site, get outta here with your crazy ability to differentiate between a VGA and serial port!

Yeah, that’s VGA. In enterprise settings, many projectors still use VGA connection. So it makes sense to make laptops aimed for business use with VGA port.

And I’ll add

The Tecra Z50 with its dated look and OUTSTANDING serial port. (Which, okay, serial ports are probably good in an enterprise setting.)

I don’t know where else to post this so... anyone else having a problem on mobile where a certain ad continuously updates your position to its location, making articles impossible to read? I’ve had it happen both times I tried to read deadspins article on the surprise Super G women’s winner and then again just now on

I don’t know where else to post this so... anyone else having a problem on mobile where a certain ad continuously

The unfortunate truth is that hate groups thrive on this sort of mentality.

Good on Bungie. Don’t give that kind of people any inch of representation on this industry.