“a dumb Stacey Dash”
Didn’t take long for the worst take to be written. Nicely done!
fuck that. film the cops regardless.
Bill Maher mentioned something very similar about ten days ago, and the RWNJs in the media lost their tiny little minds because - as they put it - “he wants to crash the US economy!!”.
I’ll give you your points regarding overcharging/pricing/etc.
If you were it’d already be sold.
Cammy was great back in the 80's movie The Dark Crystal.
Wildest thing about all of this is that I don’t see a single person on a quad sans helmet. Clearly faked.
its not super obvious from the video, but if ukraine your neck, you can see their western features.
-Davy Crockett to Santa Anna, San Antonio, 1836.
As the camera guy points out a few minutes in: “If we had eight hours,” it’d probably paddle its way back to solid ground.
Am engineer, can confirm, math checks out.
A Modern Master and a big part of the conceptual art renaissance popping off the last few years. Bravo, wonderful artwork!
Anything less than 3 monitors is legitimately painful for me.
It wasn’t always that way. There was a time that I only knew a world where one monitor was enough. I was young. Innocent. Naive.
But then a friend came to me and regaled the splendor of multiple monitors. “Surely, he jests” I thought, “No human can use two…
People ask us why we harp on Bill Simmons a lot here and the answer is because he’s the most powerful, influential sportswriter in America.