
Umm ... Kellyanne’s nails look really chewed up? She has such mastery over her facial expressions — never surprised, never upset — but the stress of constant spin has to manifest somewhere.

“I believe one of the breakdowns in our society is that we have excluded the man out of all of these types of decisions,” he said.

Don’t know what you folk are doing with your multiple knittings, but here in the Northwest we are knitting up Pussyhats and donating them to marchers.

Remember, Chris Christie sent Jared Kushner’s father to jail for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering in 2005. No way was Christie going to have a prominent role in a Trump administration.

Any one working in boat building in the Pacific Northwest can tell you about cedar sickness.

Melania doesn’t look thrilled either.

As if Trump cares. He’s going to dump these wing nuts in a New York minute.