
She's not a rabbi (or at least recognized as one by the appropriate governing body). The RCA confirmed that. She can herself a unicorn, doesn’t make her a unicorn.

A 31 year old woman dies and you have a throw away line about raising horses and over half of the article is about the crime she was allegedly a victim of? I know nothing about this woman, but she’s deserves to be defined by more than a being a victim. That’s fucked up.

In guessing you read a lot more US Weekly than you do Christian Science Monitor.

We get it, you don't t follow Canadian politics, but you do follow gawker.

So you'd call Kissinger evil? That's pretty harsh.

Is she white? How many POC roll their eyes when she walks by?

I don’t think it is dumb at all. It is an argument with nuance. Increasing black voters to give them a proportionate representation is important. Being condescending about the choices of those same voters is not good.

No, you and Madeleine seemingly are supporting the old Republican talking point about black voters and Obama. Black folks only voted for Obama because he is black, the implication being that he was an inferior candidate. Carville is saying that expecting black voters to vote for black actors is racist and

Do you like the praising of Jim Crow, hypocrisy or general bigotry better?It's the Jim Crow, isn’t it?

If you read Jezebel for long it becomes apparent that for the most part the site and its readers do not give a shit about sexual assault and domestic abuse victims if they are under educated (disproportionately women of color). It’s because they can’t identify with those people, even though socioeconomically depressed

If there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of sexual assaults in any given year, then the number of false accusations is at least in the five figures. I'm not saying that this is the case here, but you are ignoring the numbers provided to you.

I'm not sure how you can read Jezebel and think this is a white male mindset. It is a male mindset. Look at the numbers that Jezebel has provided. Black women twice as likely as white women to be victims of sexual assault and/or domestic violence (and their perpetrators are 99.9% non-white). Now look at the shockingly

And again

Study after study has shown that these are an inefficient use of taxpayer money (compared to say, day care or job training or giving taxes back to the taxpayers). Yet they are ignored again and again.

If she can’t prove economic damages, she’s left with emotional distress (and maybe punitive?). And no one’s emotions are worth $75MM.

They better hope the nanny knew she was being recorded, because Cali is a two party consent state.

Trying to ride legs on him (which his opponent attempted to do before the reveral) probably was not the best idea.

That Sunderland win today was glorious. American owned Sunderland!

Big difference is that Kane ain't Alex Smith.

Bad call! Bad call!