Coughlin won two Super Bowls with Eli as his QB! He deserves two statues in the Meadowlands.
Coughlin won two Super Bowls with Eli as his QB! He deserves two statues in the Meadowlands.
Both Pryor and Pacman will not be playing football after the regular season. The big difference will be that Pryor’s agent will be negotiating the first of at least two major contracts. While Pacman can work on his resume at Skyline, because the nfl pension doesn’t kick in until 65.
That second comment is pretty funny.
So was the reigning NFL MVP.
Obama was the American President that signed the agreement to remove US troops on a set time line? Huh. Your alternative dimension has a slightly different history than the rest of ours.
“who has worked her way into extreme privilege.”
What do you expect from a group that is pro Mexicans, handicap, women, blacks, Jews and immigrants?
Just think, Jets’ incompetence (as phenomenal as it is) doesn’t stand a chance against the inevitability of Browning it up.
He’s really not. At that age letting kids determine their own pace and distance has many benefits and (unless you are dealing with a psychopath kid, then it’s up to the coach to reign them in or not put them in a situation where they can overtrain) almost no negative health repercussions.
That cigarette is probably laced with coke. He is, reportedly, the one that introduced it to the Mets clubhouse.
Or the time he threatened to rape an alleged rape victim.
She was trying to claim she was a baby boomer?
One week of decent high school constitutional law class and half of these “this isn’t a free speech issue” comments would disappear.
The first amendment applies to the USA Court system. The plaintiff is attempting to use the US court system to win (and subsequently enforce) an award against certain people. Because the first amendment is applied in the US civil court system the defendants have first amendment rights/defenses.
I think he’s 12th this year. So he’s now well above average in the area of his biggest weakness.
Isn't being biased against the "overweight" and the South (and Ohio) redundant?
I thought Arab Nationalism was the (initial) reaction to western influence. How did it go by the wayside?
Muslim Americans support marriage equality at a higher rate than in any other part of the world and at the same rates as Mormons (and at a higher rate than evangelicals).
Because obesity is an issue in the USA, Saudi shouldn’t be criticized for its outright oppression of women?
Exactly. But they are risking much to compete. They are doing something that will hopefully retard the regression that has occurred in the middle east over the last four decades.