
This isn’t a language issue (Chavez speaks very good English). It is a concussion issue.

French rugby is populated by slow Europeans, Islanders and disgraced or over the hill SANZAC players.

An economic boost that has been disproven over and over by third party studies.

How about not breaching the contract that you signed? This isn’t the NFL, in MLB owners actually have to respect a contract.

Sometimes you murder a handful of people.

The last three us presidents were dope smokers. As were the first several.

Ford is a hundred times worse than Condi. He smoked crack in office. She just helped sell a $2 trillion lie that killed 150,000 civilians and destabilized an entire region. Can’t you see the difference!

People tend to refer to Marion Berry as dead. Because he died.

Peter King already is a NFL HOF voter and no one will ever convince me that stupid fuck isn't on crack.

Why did you hate watching last year's?

Personally, I'm not a fan of fiction as a genre.

Everyone in the IC match (other than R Truth) deserves a push.

They almost certainly don't exist. It's just some convict "taking the piss."

Ballast Point Grunion

Best player in the USA? Hell, he may be the best player in Europe.

Lawes is trained to run for more than 6 seconds at a time.

You must absolutely hate Beerspin.

I enjoy how Marvel v DC (movies) has become the new Apple v Android among fanbois.

Other than Cesaro, Banks somehow has become the best performer in the company.

Shit is still shit. Acting otherwise is either disingenuous or you have horrible taste.