
I love the Indian Jones movies. However, I can’t defend Crystal Skull. It wasn’t good. Arguably the worst in the series so far, but I didn’t hate Mutt. He was flawed. But I thought he had a lot of potential to grow. Mutt was lost and he didn’t even know it. He had no true identity because he was robbed of Indy being

Nowhere Man!

So how is the whole chip and sig/PIN any much safer than mag and sig?

Absolutely, NFC payments are tons more secure. Chip cards have the same fundamental weakness as mag stripes, which is that at its core it’s static information. It’s encrypted with a chip, but the decrypted contents are still static.
With Android Pay (useless to me until they allow Xposed Framework users to use it) and

It isn’t secure if you have the physical card, no. Someone steals your card, they’ve got your card. It just prevents skimming and cloning the card. Magstrips are way easy to clone. Chips, not so much. Even if you somehow got the data off a chip, you wouldn’t be able to make a cloned card out of it without the same

Hooray! Not just Star Wars... Star Wars with commercials.


But no word on Snyder being shown the door.. :(