
Those who edit the editors have been sacked.

To avoid any further confusion

Bowman was throwing 900's when Sharpe was throwing 1080's, I think even if she landed her run hes gets silver tops. Bowman also missed like all of her grabs when Sharpe was hitting all her mute, blunt, japan and safety grabs. I noticed as well a lot of the women didn’t look very composed in the pipe, over rotating and

I read it and reflexively apologized for their omission.

I read the article four times looking for “Canadian”. Not there. Quelle surprise.

Until that crash, Bowman was laying down a sick run. She probably would not have caught Sharpe but I’d have like to have seen her score. Would have been close.

Appreciate this, I was looking for it as well.

This is an excellent point you’ve made about the Olympic women’s ski halfpipe final.

Brian! From accounting!

Who will edit the editors?!

Just a constructive heads up, I thought they were skiing

Just a constructive heads up, Tim. The article doesn’t mention Cassie Sharpe’s nationality. I’m not as up on women’s snowboarding skiing, so I had to google her to satiate my curiosity. For the record, she’s Canadian.

Opened the door? Come on Tim, Cassie Sharpe qualified with the highest score, laid down a +94 on her first run [the second best run of the day] and topped it with a 95.8 on her second run. Nobody in that competition was going to touch her, especially not Maddie Bowman.

Yeah I was waiting for the sentence about them being from South Florida or something and it just never came.

The whole premise of this article seems...off. Are we supposed to feel bad for the Knierims? Proud of them for skating in a circle well after watching the news? I expected them to be from Parkland, or something. I’m sure a lot of NBA and NHL players had a similar experience this evening.

They bought the house in 2015.

Don’t cede ground lol. There’s a big difference between “appeared on a television show” and “people show up every day and teens peer in your bathroom window waving cameras.” What fucking lunatics. Fans, man.

I think I’ve seen all of them. Haha. Even the unfortunate post college years.

Agree totally. I think this one’s gonna settle.

That’s fair. I mean they’re rich, they could’ve done a simple google search. But if they’re a certain age that could’ve not even occurred to them.